आज के इस पोस्ट में हम Future Perfect Continuous Tense को सीखेंगे।
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Tense के वाक्यों
की पहचान है - क्रिया के साथ रहा होगा, रही होगी, रहे होंगे लगा रहता है।
Note -
Subjects के
साथ Will Have
Affirmative Sentences
Subject + will have been + V1 + ing + object +
since/from/for + (Time)
Negative Sentences
Subject + will not have been + V1 + ing + object +
since/from/for + (Time)
Interrogative sentences
Wh + will + subject + have + been + V1 + ing + object +
since/from/for + (Time)?
Negative Interrogative Sentencs
Wh + will + subject + not + have + been + V1 + ing + object
+ since/from/for + (Time)?
Examples of Affirmative Sentences
कल चार घंटे तक बैडमिंटन
खेलता रहेगा।
He will have been playing the badminton for four hours
Examples of negative Sentences.
वह कल चार घंटे तक बैडमिंटन नहीं खेलता रहेगा।
He will not have been playing the badminton for the four
hours Tomorrow.
Example of Interrogative Sentences
वह कल चार घंटो तक बैडमिंटन
खेलता रहेगा?
Will he have been playing the badminton for four hours
Example of Negative Interrogative Sentence
हम 3 बजे से खेल नही रहे होंगे ?
Shall we not have been playing since 3 o'clock?
दोस्तों हमारे ये Post आपको कैसे लगे Comment करके बताना ना भूले।
Thank You.
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