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3 March 2022 - English Quiz

 1. Either he or I ..... guilty.

a. Am

b. Is

c. Are

d. They

Correct answer - a

2. Neither you nor he ..... guilty.

a. Am

b. Is

c. Are

d. They

Correct answer - b

3. Neither she nor they ..... to blame.

a. Am

b. Is

c. Are

d. They

Correct answer - c

4. Either the father or the sons ..... to blame.

a. Am

b. Is

c. Are

d. They

Correct answer - c

5. ..... he or they to blame?

a. Am

b. Is

c. Are

d. They

Correct answer - b

6. वह चाय बनाना जानती हैं।

a. She know how to prepare tea.

b. She knows how to prepare tea.

c. She is knowing how to prepare tea.

d. None of them.

Correct answer - b

7. उसे अंग्रेजी बोलना नहीं आता हैं।

a. He does not knows how to speak English.

b. He does not know how to speak English.

c. He doesn't no how to speak English.

d. None of them.

Correct answer - b

8. क्या डॉक्टर के आने के पूर्व रोगी मर चुका था?

a. Had the patient died before the doctor came?

b. Have the patient died before doctor coming?

c. Had patient died before doctor is coming?

d. None of them.

Correct answer - a

9. इसके पूर्व मैंने ताजमहल नहीं देखा था।

a. I had never seen Tajmahal.

b. I had not seen the Tajmahal before.

c. I have not seeing Tajmahal before.

d. None of them.

Correct answer - b

10. आप किस देश में रहते हैं?

a. In which country you have lived?

b. In which country do you live?

c. which have you living?

d. None of them.

Correct answer - b



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